Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ASME Selects Thomas Costabile as New Executive Director

ASME Selects Thomas Costabile as New Executive Director ASME Selects Thomas Costabile as New Executive Director It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Board of Governors has selected Thomas Costabile as ASMEs next Executive Director.Tom is an accomplished executive, with a strong track record of delivering outstanding results for large, global organizations, and leading organizations through significant change.Tom began his career as a mechanical engineer working on a joint venture between Gibbs Hill and Ammann Whitney, focused on the development of nuclear reactors. After several years, Tom joined CBS Records to oversee the development of their compact disc manufacturing and distribution operations. Over the following twenty years, Tom earned leadership roles in the music distribution industry, including serving as SVP, Operations for SONY music with PL responsibility in excess of $400M, and then as President, WEA Manufacturing-Warner Music Group, with a PL responsibility of over $3B, and a staff of over 4,000.Most recently, Tom served as a Consultant at Carlan Advisors and as Partner at 3essential, LLC, where he advised boards, senior executives, private equity sponsors and investors. In these roles, he was successful in analyzing businesses and developing strategic initiatives to ensure profitability, as well as implementing and monitoring projects to profitability.Tom has served on several not-for-profit boards, including Board Chair of the Montgomery Academy and Board Member Emeriti of University of Oregon Foundation.Tom received his BSME (with Honors) from Manhattan College and an MBA in Finance (with Honors) from Long Island University.Tom is an outstanding, results-oriented, leader. The Board and I are confident that he is the right person to lead us as we move forward, together. Toms first day in the office will be May 21st.On behalf of the entire ASME community, Id also like to acknowledge and thank Phil Hamilton for serving as Interim Exec utive Director during the last six months. We are grateful to Phil for his steady hand and his service to ASME.Please join me in welcoming Tom to ASME and offering our thanks and best wishes to Phil.The Board and I are so excited about the future. We hope you are too.Charla K. Wise ASME President

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to increase your motivation in 2 minutes per day

How to increase your motivation in 2 minutes per dayHow to increase your motivation in 2 minutes per dayWhen most people think ofaccountability partners,they cringe.It feels like a lot of work. It feels hard, but its leid. Its essential to making extreme progress in your life.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIts also very easy. Something you can do in less than 2 minutes per day.In this short article, Im going to explain what makes a great accountability partnership.Im then going to break down a very simple way you can do daily accountability with your partner in a way that is motivating but not overwhelming.Stoked?Lets start.Obstacle 1 Looking for the WrongThingThe 1 mistake people make that stops them from starting an accountability partner is thinking that they need to find someone with similar interests or goals as them.That is totally bogus.Its actually better to have someon e who isnt doing the same things you are. The purpose of accountability isnt shared interest, butshared accountability.It seriously doesnt matter what your accountability partner is trying to accomplish. It doesnt matter if youve never met them in person.The only thing that matters is finding someone who will hold you accountable.Find someone with the same level of ambition and desired accountability as you.Thats it.Obstacle 2 Losing Momentum andQuittingOnce you find someone who wants the same level of accountability as you, then you need a simple and fast system.Daily accountability is the best way to form a habit and rhythm with your partner.If you try to do weekly, youll likely lose track or forget.You dont want to lose momentum.Aside from getting obsessed with finding the right partner, the second biggest mistake is losing momentum before you even start.Daily accountability is essential.Its how you get into a rhythm and stay on track. Thats the purpose of accountability. Its not about friendship. Its not about kinship. Its not about fun. Accountability is about getting results in your life.Do you want results? Or are you just looking for a friend?Accountability partners will become some of your best friends, but only because you are pushing each other forward.The purpose of the relationship isnt to be friends.Its actually almost better if you choose someone who isnt already your friend. The sole purpose of the relationship should be accountability.Thats it.Obstacle 3 Trying to Do TooMuchIn the book,Atomic Habits, James Clear wisely shares a principle he callsthe art of showing up.He tells the story of a man who wanted to establish a habit of going to the gym every day. So he spent the first six weeks limiting himself to only five minutes in the gym.Hed go to the gym every day for five minutes,and then force himself to leaveWhy wouldnt he just stay if he was already there?Because he wanted to establish the habit of just showing up.As Clear states,You cannot optimize what you dont have.People focus too much on the end-game, rather than starting. Most of the friction to success is getting yourself going.So, rather than being overly ambitiousyour accountability partnership needs to be extremely low friction and easy.It shouldnt take more than two minutes per day.Heres how it works.2-Minute Daily AccountabilityEvery morning, shoot your accountability partner a text (or email if thats preferred), stating your three goals for the day.At the end of the day, you report how you did. In addition to reporting on your big 3, you should also list the three things youll do the next day.Then the next morning, you re-list the same things you did the night before.The reason you want to report your results for the day and list the three things youll do the next day is that it removes decision-making the next morning.These two texts messages should take you less than two minutes to type out per day.Heres what mine looks like with my accountability partn er. As youll see, my partners contact is even named in my phone DAILY ACCOUNTABILITYFriction-Free Weekly Accountability (Optional)Once you master the art of showing up with these daily texts, you may add in a weekly element.Every week, on Sunday nights, in addition to reporting on our Daily 3, we also list our Big 3 for the following week.Heres what it looks likeFriction-Free Monthly Accountability (Optional)In addition to daily and weekly, you may share your monthly goals with each other. This is optional.Again, dont go overboard before you get started.It s powerful to share your monthly goals with each other, but dont bring these into your daily accountability.The purpose of this type of accountability is consistency and lack of friction.However, sharing big picture goals with each other can be powerful.Remember the accountability partnership is intended to serveyou, not you serve it.Heres a quick snapshot of a monthly goal tischsetConclusion Pulling It AllTogetherEvery day, my ac countability partner and I send two texts to each other.At the beginning of the day, we simply list our three objectives for the day.At the end of the day, we report how we did (e.g., 2/3) and then list our three objectives for the next day. We do this to eliminate decision fatigue and set ourselves up for a powerful morning routine.Once per week, we share our three objectives for the week, and at the end of the week, we report how we did on those objectives (e.g., 3/3).Every month, we share our monthly objectives. We also do a 3060-minute phone call to discuss how our month went.Thats it.In the past month, Ive overcome bad habits and emotional blocks that held me back for a really long time.The core purpose of accountability and reporting your progress is awareness. You cant improve what youre not actively aware of.This is the reason most people never become excellent at things. They dont track and report their progress,daily.If you want to become successful in any area of your lif e, you need to measure and report how youre doing daily.This will force you tofocuson it.What you focus on expands.Your greatest asset is your conscious awareness.When you become conscious of something and then aggressively seek improvement in that thing with tangible goals and reporting of progress, your momentum will skyrocket.This article first appeared on Medium.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

10 Easy Ways to Organize Your Job Search

10 Easy Ways to Organize Your Job Search10 Easy Ways to Organize Your Job SearchIn todays job market, its not uncommon to submit applications for many positions. That involves lots of time, and lots to keep track of.You dont want to squanderthose precious hours by missingimportant application deadlines, garbling companies and positions, confusing interview times, or forgetting to follow up.Accordingly, properlymanaging your job search is just as important as identifying job opportunities and submitting your application.Here are the top ten ways to keep track of your job applications and stay on top of the job search process. 01Create a Job Application Spreadsheet in ExcelYellow Dog Productions / Getty ImagesClearly, there are plenty of ways to keep track of your job search, but there are also ways to cut down on the mental overhead to begin with. Making the effort tosimplify your job searchwill pay off. Focus on quality, not quantity only apply to legitimate positions that youre qual ified for, and make each application count, personalizing eachcover letter and updating and proofreading your resume.?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

12 words and phrases to avoid when giving feedback

12 words and phrases to avoid when giving feedback12 words and phrases to avoid when giving feedbackProviding feedback gets easier with time and practice. The anticipation and lead up to the conversation is typically worse than the actual meeting, so dont be afraid to jump in and share feedback that will help your friend or colleague improve. Effective feedback is detailed, timely and intended to help the recipient perform in the best way possible.In order to enaya that your good intentions are at the forefront, avoid behauptung phrases that may derail your conversation or leave the wrong impression.1. To be honest This phrase implies that there was a time when you were not being honest. It is also regularly a precursor to a surprising piece of information. Simply remove this phrase from your feedback conversation.2. Actually I strongly believe that this phrase has no business in any professional correspondence. Its jarring to read and hear as it immediately implies that the rolle on the receiving end has misspoken, missed an important piece of information or is generally an idiot. Remove this single word to change the tone of your message.3. But Avoid buts to keep a conversation positive and to ensure that your message is heard. Evidence suggests that our brains negate the phrase before the word but, so using it during a feedback conversation may mean that the receiver dismisses the important information you are sharing. Consider how I dont think that the presentation was effective, but your slides were very informative is different from I dont think the presentation was effective because you didnt share the relevant research.4. Everyone thinks Remove rumors and speaking for a group when providing feedback. You run the risk of losing credibility or unwittingly dragging colleagues into a conversation that they are not prepared to enter. Instead, share how the behavior impacts you.5. No offense Just stop here. Thats right, no offense nothing even resembling off ense. If you have to say this term, stop and rethink the rest of the phrase. You have likely crossed a line from feedback to criticism.6. Im sure you You can never be sure of what someone thinks or knows, and if you are sure, there is no need to say it. This is also a precursor statement to assigning motive. You can only be sure of how something is impacting you. Its very difficult to accurately guess someones thought process or motives behind a behavior so its best to avoid this phrase altogether.7. If you want to succeed People succeed in many different ways and you do not get to decide how or if someone succeeds. This is true even for bosses talking to employees. Success looks different to everyone, and this phrase may be seen as threatening, especially if youre giving a review.8. You should It is so much more powerful for someone to come to a conclusion on their own. Help the receiver understand the repercussions of their actions and possible steps forward rather than instructin g them on how to proceed. Think about how happy your best friend or partner is when they discover something youve been telling them for months. They needed to get there on their own. And coming to conclusions on ones own often brings more impactful conclusions.9. If I were you Youre not. Unless directly asked what you would do, avoid this phrase.10. This has been a problem for several months Feedback should be given in a timely manner. If something has been an issue for months, or longer, youve done the feedback receiver a disservice. Share feedback as soon as youre able so its fresh in the receivers mind and easier to adjust behaviors.11. Never/alwaysSpeaking in absolutes like these may weaken your point. Its rare that someone always or never does something, so your feedback will likely be immediately dismissed as not credible. You can soften these terms to regularly and rarely, respectively.12. Be more like XRather than comparing individuals or team members, share concrete example s of behaviors. Outcomes can be achieved different ways and still be effective. Get to the root of a problem by sharing clear details rather than comparisons.Omitting these phrases will help to ensure that your message is heard and received in a supportive manner in which you intend. Remember, its not about walking on eggshells during this conversation. Honest and open feedback can help you and your coworkers communicate and develop effectively.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Must-Have Skills and Traits for Working as a Fit Model

Must-Have Skills and Traits for Working as a Fit ModelMust-Have Skills and Traits for Working as a Fit ModelYou know that sweater everyone compliments you on? Or that dress you never want to take off? Well, theres a reason why you love those clothes so much. Before garments hit the stores, they have to go through a rigorous design process that takes the garment from a simple concept to a finished product. At the heart of the process is a very important person who few people know about the fit or fitting model. A fit model is a behind-the-scenes model, who basically test drives clothing for a designer. Acting as a live mannequin, he or she can help a companys design team see how the garment looks and moves on a real, live person. Fit modeling isnt as glamorous as, say, fashion modeling (youll never appear in a photo shoot or a runway show) but many models find it satisfying to work side-by-side with the people who make fashion a reality. Intrigued? Here are a few basic requirements to get a job as a fit model. Have a Well-Proportioned Body With Industry Standard Measurements First and foremost, all fit models must have well-proportioned bodies that meet industry standard measurements. For female models, clients usually look for someone 54 to 59 with measurements of 34-26-37. For male fit models, clients generally prefer a height of 61 or 62 with measurements of 39-34-39. (Please notenzeichen that these numbers represent a typical fit model. Actual numbers may vary from client to client, as everyones needs are different. Plus, there is also a demand for childrens, teen, petite, plus size, and even maternity fit models) Have a Flexible Schedule Fit modeling isnt a 95 job. Shifts vary from week to week depending on the season and the number of samples that are ready to fit, and you may have to work on an on-call basis. Be Physically and Mentally Strong You may be asked to stand still for extended periods of time while the designers pin, cut, pull and st retch the clothes into perfection, or walk around to give the designers a better idea of how the garment moves. You may even have to pretend to get into a car, dance up a storm, sit at a desk, or pretty much anything that a real customer would do. And because fittings typically last anywhere from 35 hours, you need to be in good physical shape to get the job done right. Be Able to Work With an Audience If youre the shy type, who isnt comfortable getting dressed (and undressed) in front of others, then fit modeling might not be the best job for you. Designers and garment technicians will want to see how easily you can get in and out of a garment to spot small technical errors, like a zipper being too short or armholes being too snug to slip into comfortably. Be Knowledgeable About Fit and Fashion Trends Fit models arent just living mannequins. More than anything, theyre there to put themselves in the customers shoes and provide the designers with valuable feedback about the f it, feel, and movement of the garment. Is it comfortable? Is the fabric too scratchy? Can you raise an arm without ripping a seam? Do the shoulders pull? Does it ride up too high (or too low) during everyday activities? These small details can make or break a garment, so you must be an excellent communicator who is comfortable expressing your opinions to the client. If you dont have a technical fashion background or any design experience, its a good idea to take a few classes to learn the basics. The more you know about what goes into making a garment, the better feedback youll be able to give. And that, of course, means youll be hired and rehired time and time again. Have the Right Connections As with all types of modeling, the more exposure you have, the better chance youll have of making it in the industry. By submitting your photos to a reputable model scouting agency, such as ?ModelScouts.com, youll be seen by the worlds top modeling agencies. Its a safe, legitimate, and af fordable way to make the connections you need to kickstart your fit modeling career.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Most Popular Best Resume Templates

The Most Popular Best Resume Templates You have to let them know you could easily converse with other advertising and absatzwirtschaft professionals concerning the marketing activities that youre going to be tasked to do should you get considered for the position. There are various kinds of marketing documents and tools that you have to understand. The processes involved with the area of marketing can enable a business a whole lot regarding building its brand and developing a reputation. Your understanding of the suitable use of marketing mediums and platforms will assist the business have effective advertising programs. The Chronicles of Best Resume Templates There are many free creative resume templates you may use, enabling you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. For landing your dream job, there are a number of actions to take and a few ideas to bear in mind. If youre looking for resume templates for 2016 job applications then youre going to need to b e certain that you select ones which are going to secure you quickly noticed. Simply submitting the same resume to each job isnt likely to effective however well-written it might be. Another means to make a new generation CV is to create a personal site. The sphere of marketing is a technical field since there are certain processes that you must execute. From as little as $125 Absolute Resume can let you create a resume that will greatly enhance your odds of getting hired. If you should also go over the fundamentals of CV writing, be certain to take a look at our handy how to compose a CV guide. If you dont just enjoy the fonts whom Ive used, you ought to use another font that you want. Picking the most suitable fonts for your resume is vital so choose wisely. Our skilled resume template is the suitable option to generate the most efficient impression. A functional resume format focuses more on what you could do than what youve done. The upcoming free resume template was made in the shape of a brochure. Our website can help you with selecting the proper voreingestellt resume template 2018. Theres no demand for you to go over all your qualifications. When you are just about to apply to some other job opportunity, the ideal tip for you is to alter your resume in line with the necessities of the employer. In case you havent held work before or youre just out of college, dont attempt to compose false details. If youre asking for a job for a software developer, listing your very first job for a dishwasher isnt essential.If you wish to submit an application for a marketing position, you have to make certain you can properly recognize the market which can offer the most benefits to the business enterprise. Should you do the networking well and build a very good expert network, you can be referred to a lot of employers without needing to search work online. As a promotion applicant, you must be professional even in writing transactions. Several new start-up businesses and tech companies be searching for candidates using resumes that could quickly and stylishly deliver all of the information that they are searching for. The files are print ready and simple to edit to your own details. Its high-quality PSD file is completely customizable. The entire group of resume templates is made up of an assortment of creative resume entwurfs. A few of the templates are free while others cost a couple of dollars. Best Resume Templates Options You will be able to pick from other colors to showcase your various kinds of app screenshots and designs. All the presets may be adjustable too. Whatever type of resume you require, from simple to professional, all kinds of best layouts are assembled here. Youre able to easily edit all the panels within the plan. Best Resume Templates the Ultimate Convenience Still, it is a very good concept to make your resume reflect your perfect work atmosphere. A clean and lovely typographic design from creative market design shop sismic to assist you create the ideal impression. A powerful way of breaking down the practice is to set goals that may be achieved on a weekly or daily basis. The times you ought to use a creative resume are fewer than when you ought to use a formal resume. Up in Arms About Best Resume Templates? With a fantastic format youre going to be in a position to make sure that the absolute most important things that the recruiter is searching for are placed just where they will look. A Resume is the one which decides whether you get an interview call or not.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Prove that You#8217;re the Best

Prove that You8217re the Best We had an interesting conversation with an important potential client the other day. It was a marketing VP and they said something that a lot of marketing VPs probably say How can you prove to me that youre the best? Its a fair question for which we should probably have a canned response. But instead, I think I said something like I dont know, how could I possibly prove that to you? I dont know his experiences with past companies. I dont know the kind of ROI that he expects or has gotten elsewhere. We have client testimonials, but ansicht days, arent those assumed to be a paid-for commodity? How can I ever judge my own companys relative performance, especially since each clients needs are different?The rest of our conversation was about the things that I do know our metrics, our results, our company philosophy, and about other interesting stuff. But what I refused to say is here is how and why were the best. Its leid my job to judge other companies and people. Its the clients responsibility to gauge whether or not were the best relative to other companies.When I was in recruiting, a lot of potential clients would ask similar questions (demands), like Why would I want to work with you over ABC company?, What do you do differently than XYZ company?, or Prove to me that I should want to work with you over other recruiting firms. Its the type of question that no company should ever answer. Decisions are up to clients. When youre playing the vendor role, its up to you to talk about what you do well and demonstrate a past history supporting that success. Beyond that, the prove that youre the best question should really be turned to the client What does the best mean to you? What are looking for? What was good about working with your best vendor?I was reminded of this recent article on being a top recruiting firm. Why are we all obsessed with calling ourselves the top and best of anything? Arent we all as companies good at X, great at Y, not so good at C, and awful at D? But should we ever call ourselves the best? Would we ever want to be?I hope that as a company we can grow to be brutally honest with ourselves and our clients. Client relationships should be just that relationships. And good relationships are founded on a real understanding of who the other person is. In sales as in any good conversation, both people have to pay attention to the other and care. Were going to try to forget about being the best and focus on understanding ourselves and our clients.Ill let you know how that sale goes. Or doesnt go.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Recruit Employees

How to Recruit EmployeesHow to Recruit EmployeesUnderstanding the recruitment process is a necessary skill for any successful manager. After all, ?the cost of a bad hire ?can be significant, not only in terms of time and money spent searching for a suitable candidate, but also by negatively affecting team morale.?Robert Half is the employee recruitment expert, and were sharing our top tips on how to recruit employees to help your company thrive. From knowing what youre looking for in your next hire to recognizing those qualities when you see them in the candidates you interview, our free resources help you feel capable and confident throughout the employee recruitment process.Where are all the good people?There are tried-and-true methods of ?finding ?top applicants to apply for your openings. They punkt generally into these categories?General job boards - ? Sites such as Monster, Glassdoor and LinkedIn get a lot of traffic, but they can also generate a lot of unqualified applications .?Specific job boards - ?Companies that need specialists would be smart to post their job ads on websites specific to their industry.?Current employee referrals - Soliciting recommendations from members of your staff is a great way to find new applicants.?Your own network - Reaching out to ?the ?contacts youve developed over the course of your career could generate good leads, especially when youre hiring for management positions.Recruitment firms - A staffing firm specializing in recruitment can take a lot of the pressure off you and your team to find the right people.Robert Half has been helping companies with their hiring since 1948. Let us help you.REQUEST TALENTThe ?lowdown on how to recruitRecruiting might ?seem straightforward, but it can quickly become complicated - especially when you consider the variables unique to each hiring situation. Highly skilled candidates with lots of experience, for example, are often in demand regardless of the economic climate. The unemplo yment rates for skilled positions are lower than the overall unemployment rate, and often significantly so. This means top candidates are hard to find, and those who are looking for work may find themselves with ?multiple job offers.So successful employee recruitment requires more than just placing a job posting on LinkedIn. Finding and hiring the right people for your company ?requires diligent preparation, thorough execution and a clear understanding of your hiring objectives. If your company doesnt have a dedicated recruiter or HR department, recruitment can be especially tricky. Plus, the recruitment process has changed a lot in the past decade, and your old hiring methods may no longer be as effective as they once were. ?Follow these steps in your recruitment process to help make the right additions to your teamConsider your actual needs. Think about the big picture of your business needs when creating a hiring strategy - what proportions of your team should be full-time, part -time or temporary?? Robert Halfs career professionals can explain the benefits of addressing your hiring needs with a flexible staffing strategy.Promote your opening. Posting the job on employment websites, your companys own career page and all of the outlets listed in the section above is essential. And dont forget to advertise the position internally - ? creating opportunities for advancement helps create a culture of loyalty.Judge candidates by the same standard. Determining which people to interview is a different game than selecting which of the applicants is best for the position, but devising a strategy to fairly evaluate all applicants is essential. Eliminate bias from your recruiting by holding all candidates to the same set of standards.Conduct interviews with top applicants. The job interview is the most revealing part of the hiring process, and also the trickiest. You have to make every persons interview count, with a set list of thoughtful, standardized questions if yo u want to compare job candidates properly.?Dont take too long to hire. Job seekers, especially top talent, are likely to get frustrated and lose interest in the job - or accept another offer - if the hiring process takes too long. Its a tough balance to strike Move too um ein haar and you could make a bad hire, but move too slow and you could miss out on a good employee.?Making the offer. After the interviews, be sure to check job references for your top candidates. Before you make an offer, set a salary range youre willing to work with so youre prepared for any salary negotiation.Put a staffing agency on the caseFinding a good employee can be a difficult process. Employers ?often find that a staffing agency makes the recruitment process easier, less stressful and more effective for their companies by providing the following benefits.?Tighten up your hire time. Robert Half research shows it takes a company five weeks on average to make a staff hire, and 7.5 weeks to fill ?a manage ment role. Our recruiters are often able to find a good fit within days.?Spearhead your recruitment strategy. A? staffing firm helps you craft a job post thats more likely to draw the attention of the best applicants.?Scout the talent. The best staffing agencies have access to a large pool of skilled professionals, ?including passive job seekers - professionals who are not actively searching ?for a new position but would be open to changing roles for the right opportunity. Robert Half has departments ?specializing in staffing for the legal, administrative, financial, management, technology and creative fields.?Make your workforce agile. A staffing agency can help your business recruit employees for full-time positions, part-time positions and temporary projects - and experienced agents advise on the best mix for your companys specific ?needs and business cycles.?Decrease turnover costs. Dealing with a bad hire takes up too much of managements time, especially in a small business. When you engage ?a staffing agency, you know the talented professionals we connect you with have been evaluated.??Try out a new person for your team. A temporary assignment with the option to go full time after a certain period is a good ?method for evaluating ?a candidates skills and work ethic before committing to a full-time arrangement.??Stay up to date with management tips and recruiting trends by subscribing to our blog. Tags

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Starbucks cup makes appearance in Game of Thrones episode

Starbucks cup makes appearance in Game of Thrones episodeStarbucks cup makes appearance in Game of Thrones episodeGrande Pike for Jon Snow?close untersuchung Advertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012257 top 0 right 0 /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper padding-top 0important height 100%.bx-custombx-campaign-1012257 bx-creative-1012257 .bx-wrap height auto/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was leid necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video position static/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child width 100%.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color transparentborder-style nonemax-width 900px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-AFvXBOB padding 10pxdisplay blockwidth auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-elemen t-1012257-J0EiS8Y *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)A regular cup of coffee made a bizarre appearance in this weeks Game of Thrones episode, with many now speculating whether Starbucks has a mythical outpost in Winterfell after the rogue cup was seen at a table in the shows latest episode.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn Sundays The Last of the Starks, the cup appears at 1739 in the episode in front of Daenerys Targaryen. While the table is decked in rather usual glassware and candles, the white-and-brown cup steals the scene despite Tormund chugging wine from a hollowed-out tusk.Twitter and others speculated it was a Starbucks cup mistakenly left on the set. But Jezebel pointed out the nearest Starbucks from where Winterfell was filmed isnt exactly around the corner.Its about a 27-minute drive from Starbucks to Doune Castle, where the shot was filmed, according to Google Maps. Another possibility could be The Buttercup Cafe, a local source for coffee, which is about a three-minute drive from the set.The Buttercup Cafe told Ladders it was not one of their cups.Starbucks said they didnt have any additional detail to share about the cameo, but referred Ladders to a tweet where the company poked fun at the spoof with one of their own drinks.Heres how Twitter reacted after seeing the rogue cupWhen Starbucks Cup showes up in Winterfell GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/N1ddkQxlar- Ashlee Batts (AshleeBatts) May 6, 2019The Ladders reached out to HBO for comment but didnt immediately hear back.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mist akes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Welcome ECLIPSE Interns 2016-17

Welcome ECLIPSE Interns 2016-17 Welcome ECLIPSE Interns 2016-17 Welcome ECLIPSE Interns 2016-17The 2016-17 Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) is underway we would like to congratulate and welcome this years interns.The ECLIPSE program promotes and recognizes the value of long-term leadership development and diversity among its members. ECLIPSE is a commitment to investing in the careers of high-potential early career members. Interns learn their way around ASME with a dedicated advisor where each intern is matched with a senior volunteer coach within their area of interest at ASME. Interns travel to meetings and participate in workshops and training sessions to build leadership and management skills, which will serve them in their professional and personal lives. There is a wide range of opportunities for interns to network among themselves and with senior Society officers to binnensee how they can incorporate the ASME experience into their career development.We are delighted to welcome the following interns who will serve the various ASME business unitsLeila Aboharb will be the ECLIPSE intern working in the Member Engagement area. Leila graduated from Drexel University with a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in June of 2014. She was introduced to ASME during her first year of college and has remained heavily involved since. Leila has done work for her collegiate chapter at Drexel University, the Philadelphia Section, and the Student District Operating Board, eventually earning her the 2013 Charles T. Main Award. Currently, she acts as the Chair-Elect for Community Development gruppe under the Student and Early Career Sector. Upon graduation Leila concentrated her career as a Vehicles Engineer working with rolling stock. Her interest in this field also led her to become involved in ASMEs Rail Transportation Division, where she sits as a committee member. In addition to her interest in the engineering field, Leila enjoys vol unteering in her community and traveling whenever she gets the opportunity. Leila is also both an outdoors and motorcyclist enthusiastHasan Akhter will be the ECLIPSE intern for the Board of Governors. Hasan is a mechanical engineering graduate currently working in welding automation industry. He has been involved with ASME for a number of years starting with ASME Ryerson student section where he served as chair and won Dennis Mock Leadership Award. He is currently Past Chair at ASME Ontario section where he mentors and hilfes incoming volunteers to become future leaders. He also serves on the board of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Mississauga Chapter as well as donates his time to support organizations such as FIRST Lego League. These work and volunteer experiences evolved him to the person he is today, geared toward philanthropy. In his free time Hasan enjoys nature, camping and listening to somewhat boring music to amuse himself.Carlos Beatty, Jr. will be the ECLIPSE inte rn for the Volunteer Orientation and Leadership Training (VOLT) Academy. Carlos is currently Process Engineer, Corporate Planning at DENSO Manufacturing Michigan (DMMI), Battle Creek, Michigan. He is responsible for system development and indirect labor efficiency, resulting in more robust processes and systems in areas such as investment planning, profit planning, capacity planning, and production optimization. Previously, he worked as an Operations Associate Engineer at Peabody Energy in Wyoming, doing design, project management, and capital justification projects. Carlos volunteered in ASME on the Student Sections Committee (SSC) for 2 years, and volunteered as a trainer and organizer for several leadership training sessions within ASME. During his final year of undergraduate studies and into his first professional year, he was appointed and volunteered as a planning commissioner for the City of Rapid City in South Dakota. Carlos holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial E ngineering Engineering Management from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and will complete a Masters of Business Administration from the University of South Dakota in May 2016.Katie Correll will be the ECLIPSE intern for Engineering for Global Development. Katie is an alumna of Carnegie Mellon (2014) and The Cooper Union (2012), where she got her start in ASME as the student section chair in 2010. Since then Katie has held various positions within the organization including Early Career Correspondent, Early Career Lead on the Volunteer Training and Development Committee, and currently the News and Social Media Lead on the Community Development Team. Her work can be seen on television, Broadway and touring with various musicians including Taylor Swift, Madonna and Cirque du Soleil. Katie is passionate about entertainment and robotics and has built puppets and robots with The Henson Company, Disney, Tait Towers and Showman Fabricators. She is currently developing anima tronics for new attractions as an Associate Engineer with Universal Creative.Camille Cruz Alfonzo will be the ECLIPSE intern for the Technical Events and Content Sector. She was born and raised in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. At age 18, she moved to Atlanta, GA to become a Helluva Engineer at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Throughout her academic career, Camilla found a passion for mechanical engineering and her Alma Mater, Georgia Tech. She participated in different societies and volunteered as well as enjoyed her ME courses. During her junior year, Camille studied abroad in Metz, France in the Georgia Tech Lorraine campus as well as in Australia and New Zealand in the Georgia Tech Pacific Program these two opportunities opened her eyes to zwischenstaatlich possibilities. In 2013, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in ME and in 2014 with a Master of Science in ME. Camille started working for Shell Oil Company right after graduation and became a Production Engineer for Deepwat er assets in the Gulf of Mexico.Ritesh Lakhkar will be the ECLIPSE intern for the Committee on Government Relations. Ritesh is an interdisciplinary engineer currently working as a Senior Development Engineer in Smartphone and LCD glass cutting and finishing business. He has a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Govt. College of Engineering, Pune, India and a Masters from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. He has Professional Engineer license from APEGA, Alberta, Canada. He has extensive experience in technology development in the areas of laser materials processing, welding, metal machining, plate cutting, deburring, automation, glass cutting and finishing. Ritesh has volunteered for ASME for the past several years and has served as a Member of the Early Career Programming Committee, Team Lead for the Design Materials and Manufacturing Market Segment Team, Member at Large for the Committee on Early Career Development, Member at Large for the Board on Career Development , Chair for the ME Today Committee, Member of the Manufacturing Processes Technical Committee, Secretary for District C and Secretary and Technical Activities Lead for the Central Illinois Section. Ritesh led the 2015 IMECE FutureME MiniTalks event planning and has chaired technical sessions and tracks at IMECE and MSEC conferences. He enjoys traveling and learning foreign languages - two activities that have helped in his professional and volunteer career development.Paul Witherell, Ph.D., will be the ECLIPSE intern for the Standards and Certification Sector. Paul is a Mechanical Engineer in the Systems Integration Division of the Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Paul received his Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2009. At NIST, Paul manages a project on Systems Integration for Additive Manufacturing and serves as the Associate Program Manager of the Me asurement Science for Additive Manufacturing program in the Engineering Laboratory. Paul is an active contributor to the ASTM F42 Additive Manufacturing standards efforts and serves as Vice Chair on ASMEs Y14.46 subcommittee on Product Definition Practices for Additive Manufacturing. Paul received the ASME CIE Young Engineer award in 2014.